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Publications from the project

  1. Paradowski, M.B. (2017). M/Other Tongues in Language Acquisition, Instruction, and Use. Institute of Applied Linguistics, University of Warsaw. 402 pp. (ISBN: 978-83-935320-7-0)
  2. Jarynowski, A., Paradowski, M.B. & Buda, A. (2019). Modelling communities and populations. Introduction to computational social science. Studia Metodologiczne, 39, 123–152. [special international issue Culture of Modelling in Science]. https://hdl.handle.net/10593/25476
  3. Paradowski, M.B. (2019). Of language and trees: Bridging linguistics and dendrology. In: G. Cox & H.J. Jensen (Eds.) The Ginkgo Meeting (pp. 22–23). Vienna: Complexity Science Hub Vienna. (ISBN: 978-83-947406-0-3). Copy available from Academia.edu
  4. Paradowski, M.B., Jarynowski, A., Czopek, K. & Jelińska, M. (2021). Peer interactions and second language learning: The contributions of Social Network Analysis in Study Abroad vs At-Home environments. In: R. Mitchell & H. Tyne (Eds.), Language, Mobility and Study Abroad in the Contemporary European Context (pp. 99–116). Routledge. DOI: 10.4324/9781003087953-8.
  5. Paradowski, M.B., Jarynowski, A., Jelińska, M. & Czopek, K. (2021). Out-of-class peer interactions matter for second language acquisition during short-term overseas sojourns: The contributions of Social Network Analysis. Language Teaching, 54(1), 139–143. DOI: 10.1017/S0261444820000580 (includes the poster in the supplementary materials tab!)
  6. Jarynowski, A., Czopek, K. & Paradowski, M.B. (2021). Keep your friends close: Jak interakcje między uczniami pomagają w przyswajaniu języka obcego. Implikacje dla doby pandemii. Acta Neophilologica, XXIII(2), 115–131. DOI: 10.31648/an.6660.
  7. Paradowski, M.B., Cierpich-Kozieł, A., Chen, C.-C., & Ochab, J.K. (2022). How output outweighs input and interlocutors matter for study-abroad SLA: Computational Social Network Analysis of learner interactions. The Modern Language Journal, 106(4), 694–725. DOI: 10.1111/modl.12811. winner, Best of MLJ award for 2022 💥 and Wiley’s top downloaded paper.
  8. Paradowski, M.B., Whitby, N., Czuba, M. & Bródka, P. (2024). Peer interaction dynamics and L2 learning trajectories during study abroad: A longitudinal investigation using dynamic computational Social Network Analysis. Language Learning, 74(S2), 58–115 [Special Issue: Social Aspects in Language Learning: New Perspectives from Study Abroad Research]. DOI: 10.1111/lang.12681.
  9. Devlin, A.M., Magliacane, A., & Paradowski, M.B. (2024). Social aspects in language learning: New perspectives from study-abroad research. Language Learning, 74(S2), 5–23. DOI: 10.1111/lang.12691
  10. Cartier van Dissel, M., Gora, P., Iskrzyński, M., Kramar Fijavž, M., Manea, D., Mauroy, A., Nakić, I., Nicaise, S., Paradowski, M.B., Rotundo, G., Puchalska, A., & Sikolya, E. (2025, in press). Journey through the world of dynamical systems on networks. In M. Čolić, J. Giesselmann, J. Glück, M. Kramar Fijavž, D. Mugnolo, & A. Mauroy (Eds.), Mathematical models for interacting dynamics on networks [Trends in Mathematics series]. Springer. preprint
  11. Paradowski, M.B., Czopek, K., Palmini, A. & Jarynowski, A. (under review). Ukrainian refugees learning Polish: Language background, affective factors, and social networks. In C. Sanz, A. Morales-Front, Y. Ku & E. Kim (Eds.), Education Abroad: Language, Learners, and Communities. Georgetown University Press. preprint